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Personal Training

Elevate your fitness journey with personalized one-on-one training sessions tailored to your goals and needs. Our experienced trainers will guide you through tailored workouts, provide expert guidance on technique, and offer motivation to help you achieve your fitness aspirations. Whether you’re looking to build strength, lose weight, improve endurance, or enhance overall health, our personalized training programs are designed to help you reach your full potential.

Semi-Private Training

Join our semi-private training sessions for a supportive and motivating fitness experience. Work closely with our trainers in small groups, allowing for personalized attention and guidance while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded individuals. Our semi-private training sessions offer a balance of individualized programming and group support, ensuring you receive the attention and support needed to reach your fitness goals efficiently.


We've updated our offerings to focus on making personalized fitness and nutrition plans tailored just for you. We believe everyone is unique, so we craft plans based on your goals, schedule, past injuries, and even how much help you need with staying on track. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, we've got you covered. Just chat with us to get started on your own custom plan!
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Not sure if CFB Fitness & Nutrition is right for you?

Book a free intro today so we can learn all about you, your goals and how we can help you reach them

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